Thursday, February 25, 2010

new albums for 2010????????

Yeah I know its a cliche, (but cliche's are overused for a reason Mr. Smartypants), but good things always come in 2's or 3's. And music is no exception (nor Footy thanks Stevie G)

Take 2010 in music for example, after Christmas the music world, (by music world I mean media, blogs,mags, even that hyped up rag the NME), start to focus on the next big thangs for the year.
You have your usual mainstream acts like Radiohead (new album due in the Summer), your solid but not stellar acts (LCD Soundsystem due May) ,your "their first album was great but was it all the hype?" acts (Crystal Castles due early summer) and your " we never heard of you 6 weeks ago" acts (Drums due July).
January is the only time that all these acts are looked upon equally, with hope!. Each word is hung on by hopeful journos and fans alike, and when the artists say "this our best work yet" everyone really, really hope its true.
Then the cold harsh light of January pay day appears and all these musical hopes and dreams are smashed to the floor, 90% of the time. Hot Chips very average album a case in point.
But anyways this year is gonna be an amazing year for music (he says hopefully).
Albums are in the pipeline from all over the musical genres, (I'll get to that later). But as always there is always something to annoy a Crank like me,(after all I am annoyed easily). And that is the fact that 2 of my favourite bands are releasing albums on the same day.
For most people this would be a great day, but for me it means hours of uneasy listening wondering if the other album is as good as i had hoped. Hours of flicking through with my sweaty paws songs getting to their good bits and back and forth and back and forth and so on,,,,,,,,

Its typical that both B.R.M.C. & The Gorillaz are releasing "Beat the devils tattoo" and "Plastic Beach" on the same day. Oh how i wasted minutes in 2009 wishing that they both had a new album (or even a new song) out and now the feckers do it on THE SAME DAY , Cheeky Bastards!!!!
And now I've had a taste of both, I want more more MORE !!
So hurry up Friday March 5Th, so I can work my old cracked Ipod like an old workhorse with a gammy leg.

More albums out in 2010 that will probably come out all in the same week thus making my life that lil bit more complicated include.

The Strokes due Sept bought time.
Mgmt due June/July gonna be shit
Crystal Castes May/Junes gonna be noisy.
Beastie Boys sometime soon when MCA feels better ( he has cancer)
M.I.A. due April/May gonna be bangin bangin.
Foals due Summer gonna be funky and dark.
We Are Scientists due Spring gonna be cheeky
Empire of the Sun gonna be missing a member.
Battles gonna be LOUD!
Metronomy its gonna be sexy.
Amy Winebox gonna be a mess of bad boobs jobs and junk.
All dates are guestimated.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, didn't know you had a blog now. BRMC's album is going to be epic. Gorillaz I can only hope for good things. As for MIA's, it's probably going to have another few singles you'll be hassled by the punters in Crawdaddys over.
